Stora framsteg
Här händer det otroliga grejer! Missan kommer numera alltid fram när vi kommer hem lr ska gå å sätter sig i hallen å tittar på oss! Hon kommer fram om vi sätter oss på golvet å man ser verkligen att hon vill bli klappad!
Helt underbart måste jag säga!!
Hoppar upp i sängen å leker!!
Åh vad sött! ^_^ Hoppas allt är bra med dig!
Dear Helena, we have adopted a cat (and named him Poppy) about 2 years ago from Kattstallet and he is really a joy. He is 2 years old, healthy, extremely friendly, loves to be petted, hugged and kissed. He is properly insured (by Agria) and vaccinated. However, we will have to move to Scotland soon and according to UK pet travel law, he has to be quarantined for rabies there for six months and we don't want him to be stressed in a different country under quarantine. But we have never considered taking him back to Kattstallet or give him to someone else. He is our baby, we will take him whereever we go. So we are trying to find another option for him.
As you know, cats are not vaccinated against rabies in Sweden, that's the reason for the quarantine. We got him vaccinated as soon as we found out about this. He was vaccinated last month and we will be leaving for Scotland next month. So, we are considering to leave him in Sweden to a safe place and a caring person for about 4 months until the month period is over. After that, we are permitted to take him there directly, without the quarantine process and we think this way it will be less stressfull for him. We are willing to pay all the costs for taking care of him. If you are interested or know anyone who would be interested to take care of Poppy, please contact us via e-mail.
mailmira(at)gmail(dot)com or serhanzenger(at)gmail(dot)com